Hospital Anaesthesia Services
Group anaesthetists provide services at the Royal Hobart Hospital, Calvary Hospital, St Helens Hospital, St Johns Hospital and the Hobart Day Surgery Unit. The services include a wide range of anaesthesia care, acute pain management, resuscitation and intensive care support.
Pre-Anaesthetic Assessment
Patient assessment before anaesthesia is an integral part of specialist anaesthetic practice. Assessments were previously often undertaken post hospital admission. However, with the pressures for shorter hospital stays, we provide for patients to have an anaesthetic consultation at our rooms some time prior to hospital admission. This is especially applicable to patients who are to undergo complex procedures, have severe medical illnesses or specific anaesthesia related concerns or problems. Ideally this consultation should occur the week before the intended hospital admission.
IV Access
Intravenous access is one of our particular advanced skills and we are commonly called upon, as specialist consultants, to insert a `drip` or other intravenous device. Our expertise is commonly required with children and patients on chemotherapy agents or who have had multiple IV access in the past.
Hospital Management
Group members are involved in a wide variety of management committees at all the hospital that we service. These include not only providing management advice on anaesthesia services but also involvement in numerous hospital, medical, nursing and quality assurance committees.
Medical Organisation
Group members have provided and continue to provide a significant contribution to state, national and international anaesthesia and other medical organisations. These include President of Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA), current Vice President of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists (ASA), state President of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), ANZCA Councilors, AMA Federal Executive, ANZCA Regional Committee Chairmen, ASA State Committee Chairmen, Tasmanian Medical Council, Tasmanian Ambulance Service and Tasmanian Medical Protection Society.
Medical Education
Many medical and nursing students, anaesthesia trainees, other medical practitioners and paramedical staff have received education from Group members. One Group Anaesthetist is currently an examiner in the Anaesthesia Specialist training examinations.